AutoTableTop Scenarios

These are AutoTableTop™ scenarios and their associated case studies, transcripts, incident respond plans, and network maps. These scenarios are meant to help tabletop exercise facilitators using the AutoTableTop™ simulation tool understand where to “get started” and best practices.

If you have a GREAT idea for a scenario, please share your ideas with the ThreatGEN Support Group.


Municipal Water Authority of Aliquippa (MWAA) 2023 Scenario

The Municipal Water Authority of Aliquippa (MWAA), a public utility that provides water service to residents and business in Aliquippa, PA experienced a cyberattack on November 25, 2023. This scenario recreates that attack.

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Colonial Pipeline 2021 Scenario

Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack from May 2021, one of the biggest incidents in history with its impact on the U.S. Everything to help new facilitators learn how to use AutoTableTop.

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